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Masters Rowing

Wyandotte Boat Club’s masters rowing program provides opportunities for adult rowers (at least 21 years old) to train and compete throughout the year. Please check the bottom of this page for available program registrations and current season details.

Some notes about WBC masters rowing:

  • Masters rowing is for experienced rowers. If you are new to the sport of rowing, take a look at WBC’s Adult Recreational Rowing programs.
  • Masters rowing emphasizes racing. Participation in regattas is not mandatory, but the training and coaching is focused on preparing boats for racing.
  • The main summer season progresses quickly to racing. Having a good level of fitness at the start of summer will allow you to have a rewarding experience. If you don’t have access to a rowing erg or other training equipment, consider joining the masters program during the winter training months.
  • The WBC masters program tends to emphasize sculling. If you have only done sweep rowing, the masters’ coaches can teach you to scull.

The typical yearly program calendar:

  • Winter training (January – May):
    • A kickoff meeting is typically scheduled for early-mid January.
    • A schedule of morning and evening workouts is offered. Training emphasizes erging and weightlifting.
    • Joining the winter training will include a modest fee, typically on a monthly basis. Fee details will be provided at the January kickoff meeting.
  • Summer Prep (May through early June):
    • A kickoff meeting is typically scheduled for mid-April.
    • This is a separate session because equipment and coaching availability can be limited while WBC’s operations focus on the high school season.
    • Rowers will continue some form of winter training, while WBC offers a limited schedule of on-water training (e.g. weekends).
    • Joining the summer prep will include a fee; details will be provided at the April kick-off meeting.
  • Summer (Mid-June through mid-August):
    • A kickoff meeting is typically scheduled for late May or early June.
    • The focus is on-water training, often five days per week. The specific practice schedule will be announced at the kickoff meeting, but WBC’s goal is to offer both morning and evening practice options on weekdays, as well as weekend practices.
    • Joining the summer season will include a training fee; details will be provided at the kickoff meeting.
    • Attendance at regattas will include additional fees.
  • Fall (Late-August through late-October)
    • A kickoff meeting is typically scheduled for mid-August.
    • The focus is on-water training. The schedule is typically reduced from summer, often three or four days per week. The specific practice schedule will be announced at the kickoff meeting. Weekday practices are typically in the evening, due to later sunrises in the fall.
    • Joining the fall season will include a training fee; details will be provided at the kickoff meeting.
    • Attendance at regattas will include additional fees.

Available Program Registrations:

Click here for details about the 2024 Masters Fall Session (August 19 – October 16) and online registration

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